Resolving Trauma with Acceptance and Integration Training®
The Clinical Hypnosis Society of New Jersey is pleased to welcome Melanie McGhee, LCSW an award-winning author, psychotherapist and founder of Acceptance and Integration Training® (AAIT™).
This workshop will be presented via ZOOM on Sunday, May 21, 2023 11am - 1pm EDT.
The pain of trauma keeps clients stuck in the past and ruminating about the future. The demand for efficient and effective trauma care is exponentially expanding as recent studies point to PTSD prevalence rates across all populations polling at 22.6%, with healthcare workers standing at 26.9%.
Discover how the energy of trauma can be disrupted in minutes, providing clients with a source of immediate hope and relief. With Acceptance and Integration Training® (AAIT™), we facilitate strategic acceptance and integration of psychological pain, giving clients access to freedom from the past alongside their inner wisdom rather than relying on therapeutic interpretations of personal narratives.
Observe a live demonstration of trauma resolution with AAIT™ and see the principles of this model in action. A discussion of these principles coupled with an experiential exploration of the phases and theory of AAIT™ will reveal how practitioners can immediately apply components of AAIT™ in their practice, helping themselves and their clients orient to the present.
This workshop is free to members of CHSNJ, ASCH, its component sections and SCEH. There is a $15 fee for nonmembers. To register, please visit our website, and click on the events tab.

Melanie McGhee, L.C.S.W., is an award-winning author, psychotherapist and founder of Acceptance and Integration Training® (AAIT™). This promising transpersonal approach is the formation of dedicated study with master therapists coupled with a multi-decade contemplation of nondual philosophy. McGhee has established the Alliance for Integrated Awareness, a non-profit organization committed to advancing equity in mental health care with AAIT™. Aside from work that uplifts and inspires her, she enjoys life with her BFF and husband and thrives in spending time outside.