Clinical training and professional development take a lot of dedication. Yes, there is a passion for the work, but there are also many demands. Beyond the time and effort that we commit, there are the costs.
The Clinical Hypnosis Society of New Jersey appreciates that the training we offer, invaluable as we believe it to be, may be a financial stretch for some students and early career clinicians. It is for this reason that we are delighted to inform you about the Stephen R. Lankton Scholarship Award.
In April of 2023, Steve Lankton gave an advanced workshop, “Depotentiating Conscious Sets.” When it came time to pay him his honoraria, he graciously suggested that we retain a portion of it to fund the training of the next generation of clinicians who wish to incorporate clinical hypnosis into their practice. In honor of his generosity and commitment to teaching and training, the Stephen R. Lankton Scholarship Award was established.
The award fund is sustained by tax deductible charitable contributions, as well as, a portion of the proceeds generated by the teaching and trainings that we offer. The Clinical Hypnosis Society of New Jersey is recognized by the IRS as a nonprofit, charitable organization. All contributions are, therefore, fully tax deductible.
The amount of scholarship awards is determined by both the number of applicants and the funds available. Students and early career clinicians interested in inquiring about scholarships can submit a letter of interest to