The Clinical Hypnosis Society of New Jersey invites you to join us as Phillip Accaria, PhD presents,
"A Gathering of Healers: Incorporating Intuition into Your Clinical Practice"
In this Clinical Conversations event presented by the Clinical Hypnosis Society of New Jersey, Dr. Philip Accaria will invite the participants to consider how they do or if they would, incorporate the use of intuition into their clinical practices.
During these 2 hours, basic, operational definitions and examples of “intuition” and “intuitive experiences” will be shared; real life examples and case studies will be offered; and participants will be offered the opportunity to share their personal experience of intuition with other participants in breakout groups. Didactic and experiential opportunities will be available. Time will be afforded at the conclusion of the session, for: sharing breakout group experiences and lastly, for “Q & As.”
Please join us on Saturday, February 18, 2023 from 11am - 1pm Eastern Time for this VIRTUAL event.