Workshop Description:
A 3-day introductory course for all levels of licensed health and mental health professionals to inform and train them in the use of hypnotic language, principles and techniques to increase the efficacy of their work.
Program sophistication: Introductory. No previous hypnosis training required.
This program has been approved by NJPA, ASWB-NJ and ASCH to provide 20 hours of CEs for Psychologists, Social Workers, and Licensed Professional Counselors.
Intended Audience: Psychologists, Social Workers, Mental Health Counselors, Graduate Students (with a letter from their university), Marriage and Family Therapists, Physicians, Nurses and Dentists practicing within the scope of their license. For individuals wishing to pursue certification in hypnosis from the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) this is the first step. Taught by members of the CHSNJ
Faculty: Philip L. Accaria, PhD, FASCH; Richard B. Dauber, PhD; Arline Duker, MSW, LCSW; Robert D. Staffin, PsyD, ABPH and Nicole Wegweiser, MSW, LCSW.
Philip L. Accaria, PhD, FASCH has been practicing clinical hypnosis for 35 years and has been teaching hypnosis for 30 years for ASCH and CHSNJ. He is a licensed psychologist in private practice and in addition to hypnosis, specializes in Indigenous Energy Medicine practices and Ideomotor Signaling methodologies. He is Past-president of both ASCH and CHSNJ.
Richard B. Dauber, PhD is a clinical psychologist and a founding partner of the Morris Psychological Group in Parsippany, NJ. He has been practicing hypnosis for over 35 years and treats both children and adults. Dr. Dauber is an Approved Consultant for ASCH, and currently is the Vice-President of the Clinical Hypnosis Society of New Jersey.
Arline Duker, MSW, LCSW has been in private practice for over 25 yrs. She was previously Adjunct Associate Professor of Social Work at NYU for over 10 yrs and presently teaches Pastoral Counseling at the Academy for Jewish Religion. She has 20 yrs experience teaching and supervising therapists in the area of hypnosis. She was also a Board Member of the Milton H. Erickson Society of NJ.
Robert Staffin, PsyD, ABPH is a clinical psychologist licensed in both NJ and NY, who has been practicing for over 25 yrs. In addition to being an Approved Consultant for ASCH, he is a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychological Hypnosis. He has taught regionally and nationally with ASCH, and has been a presenter at the Brief Therapy Conference and the International Ericksonian Congress. He is an Adjunct Clinical Supervisor for Yeshiva and Rutgers Universities and is the current President of CHSNJ. He is the author of, More Common Therapy: The Experiential Psychotherapy of Jeffrey K. Zeig, Ph.D.
Nicole Wegweiser, MSW, LCSW has a private practice in Matawan, NJ where she sees primarily adolescents and adults. Nicole began her training in hypnosis in September 2017 and holds her ASCH Certification in Clinical Hypnosis. Nicole is presently serving as Secretary on the Clinical Hypnosis Society of New Jersey and is serving a three year term on the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Components Committee. Nicole is grateful and honored to be a part of this community of esteemed and knowledgeable colleagues.

Workshop Objectives:
At the conclusion of the workshop participants will be able to:
1. Provide at least one commonly accepted definition of hypnosis.
2. Explain 3-4 hypnosis terms and how they apply to the clinical hypnosis
3. Identify two commonly held misperceptions and myths about hypnosis
and offer a rebuttal for each.
4. Explain at least two ways hypnotic communication creates positive expectancy;
5. Discuss Erickson’s Principle of Individualization and Utilization as it pertains to
language and suggestion.
6. Name at least four commonly used words/phrases to reinforce the patient’s hypnotic
7. Differentiate between direct and indirect suggestion
8. Describe the steps in a formal hypnotic encounter.
9. Identify 2 characteristics of trance exhibited by the subject.
10. Define 3 changes the facilitator made during the reorientation phase of trance.
11. Experience trance & identify 3 aspects of their individual experience of trance.
12. Describe three effective ways to build and reinforce rapport.
13. Describe at least 4 observable physiological and 4 psychological/behavioral signs of trance
14. Discuss the importance of removing suggestions
15. Demonstrate at least 3 methods of reorienting.
16. Explain five different hypnotic phenomena;
17. Discuss and describe how the concept of trance logic and other hypnotic phenomena can
be used therapeutically.
18. List at least three principles of eliciting phenomenon;
19. Define abreaction and describe how it can be addressed therapeutically.
20. Describe how hypnosis affects the autonomic nervous system & stress response.
21. Detail 3 implications of neurophysiology research on the practice of clinical hypnosis.
22. Define what is meant by ego strengthening and how it might be used in clinical practice.
23. Identify three different types of ego strengthening.
24. Describe at least three strategies for ego strengthening in clinical hypnosis practice.
25. Describe three methods of trance intensification.
26. Demonstrate the ability to intensify the hypnotic experience to fit the client
27. Identify how fractionation can be used to intensify trance.
28. Define self-hypnosis and explain the difference between self-hypnosis & hetero-hypnosis
29. Describe at least three therapeutic applications of self-hypnosis in clinical practice
30. Explain how to teach self-hypnosis to a patient.
31. Describe at least two ethical-legal issues.
32. Discuss standards for professional conduct in using hypnosis clinically
33. Describe three types of resistance.
34. Identify at least four strategies for bypassing or working through resistance.
35. Summarize at least three key points about hypnosis to discuss in a non-technical manner with a client or patient/client.
36. Review important elements and recommended procedures in obtaining informed consent regarding the use of hypnosis clinically
37. Discuss the fallibility of memory
38. Identify three developmental characteristics that make children particularly hypnotizable.
39. Describe how hypnotic approaches vary according to the developmental age of the child.
40. Describe the therapeutic benefits and applications of using hypnosis with children.
41. Execute a thorough case assessment to elucidate the information necessary to develop a quality treatment plan.
42. Design a treatment plan for a patient/client who presents with anxiety; and
43. List at least 4 hypnotic techniques/application that may be best suited to achieve the
specific therapeutic goal in the case presented.
44. Describe situations of uncertainty that might occur as clinical hypnosis is included in practice and identify strategies for managing/resolving such.
45. List at least three uses of hypnosis to your discipline that you have been taught and are ready to apply and three applications of hypnosis that require more training.
46. Describe three ways that he or she will begin to incorporate hypnotic communication, hypnosis and hypnotic techniques into his/her practice.
47. Discuss ASCH’s clinical hypnosis standards of training, levels of training, and requirements for, ASCH certification.
48. Describe the opportunities available for further training, membership &certification.

Workshop agenda:
Friday, December 10, 2021
8:30-9 Introduction of faculty & program
9-9:30 Introduction to clinical hypnosis
9:30-10:15 Fundamentals of hypnotic language & formulating suggestions
10:15-10:30 BREAK
10:30-11:15 Anatomy of hypnotic experience
11:15-11:45 Group hypnotic experience
11:45-12:15 Introduction to small group practice
12:15-1:15 LUNCH
1:15-2:30 Principles and process of rapport, attunement, trance elicitation and reorientation
2:30-2:45 Demo of Induction #1
2:45-3 BREAK
3-4:30 Small group practice
4:30-5:30 Hypnotic phenomena
Saturday, December 11, 2021
9-9:45am Neurophysiology
9:45-10:30 Ego strengthening
10:30-10:45 BREAK
10:45-11: Demonstration of elicitation # 2
11-12:30: Small group practice # 2
12:30-1:30 LUNCH
1:30-2:30 Intensification of hypnotic experience
2:30-3:15 Self-hypnosis
3:15-3:30 BREAK
3:30-3:45 Small group practice # 3
5:30-6 Ethical principles and professional conduct
Sunday, December 12, 2021
9:00-9:45 Managing resistance
9:45-10:30 Patient/client assessment, Introducing hypnosis to the client
10:30-10:45 BREAK
10:45-11 Demonstration of elicitation # 4
11-1:30 Small group practice # 4
1:30-2 LUNCH
2-2:45 Hypnosis with children
2:45-3:45 Treatment planning. strategy and technique selection in clinical hypnosis
3:45-4 BREAK
4-4:45 Integrating hypnosis into clinical practice

Full attendance at all 3 days is required. No partial credit will be given.
1.) This program has been approved for 20 hrs basic continuing education credits by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.
2.) This program is co-sponsored by the New Jersey Psychological Association & CHSNJ. NJPA is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. NJPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content. 20 credit hours for psychologists are approved. NJPA does not endorse the presented material as the only approach to a given area of study or therapeutic approach.
3.) This course is approved by the Association of Social Work Boards - ASWB NJ CE Course Approval Program Provider #95 Course #3189 from 09/14/2020 to 09/14/2022. Social workers will receive the following type and number of credits: Clinical social work practice 20.
Following the completion of program evaluations, certificates will be awarded at the conclusion of the program on the final day indicating ASCH and ASWB approval. NJPA certificates will be e-mailed to psychologists.
Cancellation Policy: A full tuition refund, less a $50 fee, will be made for cancellations up to 14 days prior to the workshop. After that there is no reimbursement.
All grievances must be in writing to
A reply will come within 5 business days.
"New Jersey social workers not pleased with a grievance resolution provided by the Clinical Hypnosis Society of New Jersey may appeal to the approving entity or their jurisdictional board."
There is no commercial support or conflict of interest for any program offered by CHSNJ.
Philip L. Accaria, PhD, FASCH has been practicing clinical hypnosis for 35 years and has been teaching hypnosis for 30 years for ASCH and CHSNJ. He is a licensed psychologist in private practice and in addition to hypnosis, specializes in Indigenous Energy Medicine practices and Ideomotor Signaling methodologies. He is Past-president of both ASCH and CHSNJ.
Richard B. Dauber, PhD is a clinical psychologist and a founding partner of the Morris Psychological Group in Parsippany, NJ. He has been practicing hypnosis for over 35 years and treats both children and adults. Dr. Dauber is an Approved Consultant for ASCH, and currently is the Vice-President of the Clinical Hypnosis Society of New Jersey.
Arline Duker, MSW, LCSW has been in private practice for over 25 yrs. She was previously Adjunct Associate Professor of Social Work at NYU for over 10 yrs and presently teaches Pastoral Counseling at the Academy for Jewish Religion. She has 20 yrs experience teaching and supervising therapists in the area of hypnosis. She was also a Board Member of the Milton H. Erickson Society of NJ.
Robert Staffin, PsyD, ABPH is a clinical psychologist licensed in both NJ and NY, who has been practicing for over 25 yrs. In addition to being an Approved Consultant for ASCH, he is a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychological Hypnosis. He has taught regionally and nationally with ASCH, and has been a presenter at the Brief Therapy Conference and the International Ericksonian Congress. He is an Adjunct Clinical Supervisor for Yeshiva and Rutgers Universities and is the current President of CHSNJ. He is the author of, More Common Therapy: The Experiential Psychotherapy of Jeffrey K. Zeig, Ph.D.
Nicole Wegweiser, MSW, LCSW has a private practice in Matawan, NJ where she sees primarily adolescents and adults. Nicole began her training in hypnosis in September 2017 and holds her ASCH Certification in Clinical Hypnosis. Nicole is presently serving as Secretary on the Clinical Hypnosis Society of New Jersey and is serving a three year term on the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Components Committee. Nicole is grateful and honored to be a part of this community of esteemed and knowledgeable colleagues.