A 3-day intermediate course for licensed health and mental health professionals to strengthen and expand their skills in the use of hypnotic language, principles and techniques to increase the efficacy of their work.
This program has been approved by NJPA, ASWB-NJ and ASCH to provide 20 hours of CE for psychologist and social workers.
Intended audience:Psychologists, Social Workers, Mental Health Counselors, Graduate Students (with a letter from their supervisor), Marriage and Family Therapists. Physicians, Dentists, and Nurses practicing within the scope of their license.
Program sophistication: Intermediate and Advanced Levels. Previous coursework in hypnosis necessary.
For individuals wishing to pursue certification in hypnosis from the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) this is the second step. Taught by members of the CHSNJ Faculty:
Philip L. Accaria, PhD, FASCH; Richard B. Dauber, PhD; Arline Duker, MSW, LCSW; Maria G. Masciandaro, PsyD; and Robert D. Staffin, PsyD, ABPH.
Faculty :
Philip L. Accaria, PhD, FASCH has taught hypnosis nationally for over 20 years for the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) as well as the Clinical Hypnosis Society of New Jersey (CHSNJ). He is a psychologist licensed for private practice and specializes in Indigenous Energy Medicine and Ideo-motor signaling methodologies. He is a Past President of both ASCH and CHSNJ.
Richard B. Dauber, PhD is a founding partner of the Morris Psychological Group & Director of Child & Adolescent Services. He has over 25 yrs experience, published articles and lectures to many professional and non-professional groups on a variety of topics including hypnosis, pain management & sport psychology. He has taught hypnosis to psychologists in a program sponsored by NJPA. He has been twice President of the Morris County Psychological Association.
Arline Duker, MSW has been in private practice for over 25 yrs. She was previously Adjunct Associate Professor of Social Work at NYU for over 10 yrs and is presently Adjunct Associate Professor in Yonkers. She has 20 yrs experience teaching and supervising therapists in the area of hypnosis. She was also a Board Member of the Milton H. Erickson Society of NJ.
Maria G Masciandaro, PsyD is the current President of CHSNJ. She has been utilizing hypnosis since 1997. She has taught hypnosis with CHSNJ on both the beginning and intermediate levels. She has served on the ASCH Executive Committee. She is a Field Work Supervisor for the Graduate School Of Professional Psychology at Rutgers U.
Robert Staffin, PsyD, ABPH is a clinical psychologist licensed in both NJ and NY, who has been practicing for over 25 yrs. In addition to being an Approved Consultant for ASCH, he is a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychological Hypnosis. He has taught regionally and nationally with ASCH, and has been a presenter at the Brief Therapy Conference and the International Ericksonian Congress. He is an Adjunct Clinical Supervisor for Yeshiva and Rutgers Universities and is the current VP of CHSNJ.

Workshop Objectives:
At the conclusion of the workshop participants will be able to:
A. Construct 2 therapeutic metaphors as a type of hypnotic suggestion.
B. Describe the principles involved in constructing metaphors.
C. Explain the purpose of using stories in hypnosis, and be able to construct a story that contains 3 different characteristics that distinguish it from "ordinary" storytelling.
D. Identify 3 intermediate to advanced inductions and explain when they might be used .
E. Define what is meant by ego strengthening methods and how they are used in practice.
F. Identify 3 different types of ego-strengthening techniques and 2 types of suggestions.
G. Identify and experience one of the most commonly used scales for hypnotic susceptibility.
H. Discuss whether one theory or single variable accounts for hypnotic responsiveness.
I. Name the behavioral and psychodynamic factors relating to anxiety disorders from research data.
J. Name 2 hypnotic techniques for treating anxiety disorders.
K. Describe 2 hypnotic techniques for treating phobias and the rationale for each.
L. Explain the importance of non-hypnotic methods of both medical and psychological evaluations for chronic pain patients.
M. Identify hypnotic strategies and name 6 hypnotic techniques for use in pain management.
N. Describe the precautions in using hypnosis for pain relief.
O. Identify 3 techniques for facilitating age regression and 5 contraindications.
P. Identify hypnotic processes which facilitate ego stability during trauma work.
Q. Describe ways to modulate affect intensity during therapeutic abreaction.
R. Identify 4 different types of suggestions that may be used in the treatment of smoking or obesity.
S. Discuss how hypnosis may be used to treat other habit disorders.
T. Describe 3 exploratory hypnotic methods and ideo-motor signaling.
U. Discuss indications and contraindications for using an insight oriented hypnotic approach.
V. Explain the principle of utilization in Ericksonian hypnosis.
W. Describe an Ericksonian naturalistic induction and how it is used.
X. Compare and contrast an Ericksonian and traditional introduction to hypnosis.
Y. Identify professional conduct and legal issues relevant to clinical hypnosis.
Z. Describe the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis certification requirements.

Workshop agenda:
Friday: December 1, 2017
7:30-8:30 Registration
8:30-9:00 Welcoming, Introductions and Overview
9:00-10:00 Therapeutic Metaphors, Suggestions and Phenomena
10:00-10:15 BREAK
10:15-11:15 Advanced and Specialized Inductions
11:15-12:00 Advanced Ego Strengthening Methods
12:00-1:00 LUNCH
1:00-1:30 Small Group Practice (SGP) 1:
Use an Advanced Induction w/ an Ego Strengthening Suggestion, Re-Alert
2:00-2:30 Susceptibility/Suggestibility
2:30-2:45 BREAK
2:45-3:30 Clinical Demonstration
3:30-4:30 Hypnosis and Pain Management
4:30-5:30 Hypnotic Interventions for Anxiety and Phobias
5:30 Adjourn
Saturday: December 2, 2017
8:30-9:30 Hypnosis and Trauma: Memory, Trauma and Treatment
9:30-10:30 SGP 2: Induction and Suggestion for Addressing Pain or Anxiety Symptom
10:30-10:45 BREAK
10:45-12:00 Hypnosis and Habit Disorders
12:00-1:00 LUNCH
1:00-2:00 Ericksonian/Utilization Hypnosis 1
2:00-2:45 Practicum in Formulating Direct and Indirect Suggestions
2:45-3:00 BREAK
3:00-4:00 Ideo-motor Signaling and Exploratory Hypnotic Techniques
4:00-5:00 Medical Hypnotic Applications
5:00-6:00 Case Consultation in Integrating Hypnosis into Clinical Practice
6:00 Adjourn
Sunday: December 3, 2017
8:30-9:30 Ericksonian/Utilization Hypnosis 2
9:30-10:30 SGP 3: Indirect Induction, Suggestion and Elicitation of Ideo-Motor Signaling Response or Suggestions Based in Metaphors.
10:30-10:45 BREAK
10:45-12:00 Practicum in Constructing Therapeutic Metaphors
12:00-1:00 Ethics, Certification and ...
1:00-2:00 Integrating Hypnosis into Your Clinical Practice
Full attendance at all 3 days is required. No partial credit will be given.
1.) This program has been approved for 20 hrs basic continuing education credits by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.
2.) This program is co-sponsored by the New Jersey Psychological Association & CHSNJ. NJPA is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. NJPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content. 20 credit hours for psychologists are approved.
3.) This course is approved by the Association of Social Work Boards - ASWB NJ CE Course Approval Program Provider #95 from 10/19/2016 to 10/19/2018. Social workers will receive the following type and number of credits: Clinical social work practice 20 hrs.
Certificates will be awarded at the conclusion of the program on the final day indicating ASCH and ASWB approval. NJPA certificates will be e-mailed to psychologists.
Cancellation Policy: A full tuition refund, less a $50 fee, will be made for cancellations up to 14 days prior to the workshop. After that there is no reimbursement.